
First Date Nerves

First Date Nerves

Wouldn’t it be wonderful to have just the right amount of confidence in all situations? Finding a good balance is difficult for most of us, some men go overboard and come across as arrogant, some have none and become very shy. Others hide their insecurities with false confidence and bravery, which girls usually see right through their eyes! Confidence is useful in so many areas of life, in the workplace, at social events, in confrontation and of course on first dates. A lack of it can actually be a turnoff for women, so here are a few tips to ease your first day nerves overcome. First of all, remember not to blow with these out of proportion.

She’s probably just as nervous as you are, you’re both off that day for the same reason. You’re in the same boat! Take a few deep breaths and try to relax. This is just a night where two people can come together and have fun, getting to know each other a little better. Some men work their way up and by the time it takes them to leave, they are shaking in their boots!

This is completely unnecessary, so when you start to panic, remind yourself that you are ready and looking forward to this. If you drink alcohol, have a stiff drink before you go. The most important thing is to avoid using any more than this, and if you turn up drunk and smelling like a brewery, she’ll take off immediately. However, some people find that it relaxes them and gives them some “Dutch courage”. Even if it’s just psychological, this might give you the little boost you need to remind you what a stud you are!

Listen to some relaxing music for you to chill out. Give yourself enough time to get ready so you’re not in a rush, and allow yourself to sit down and relax for a few minutes before you leave. While this time is going well when you visualize this time, you will start to feel much more positive and your nerves will melt away.

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