How to get a girl for you in 5 easy steps
how to get a girl for you in 5 easy steps how
Getting a girl like you isn’t nearly as intimidating or challenging as many people think. In fact, if you follow these 5 steps diligently there is no reason why the girl will miss you 🙂
- Step 1: It is imperative that you don’t act creepy! Creepy actions might include staring at her in class for long periods of time, stalking her on Facebook, following her, really, any behavior you might question is probably a lousy idea.
- Step 2: You need to develop self-confidence. Why would a girl be attracted to you or even desire to talk to you if she doesn’t trust you on her own? Think about it from an evolutionary perspective, confident partners are likely to succeed and pass on their genes to subsequent generations.
- Step 3: Following the example of self-confidence, make sure you take care of yourself. Why would a girl want to be with a guy who can barely take care of himself? Following the evolutionary perspective, if someone cannot care for themselves, how could they care and support a child?
- Step 4: Make an effort to talk to her. Girls really like a guy who is in control of a conversation. They may tend to have awkward moments of silence or not knowing what to talk about. Really, just jumps to a topic that’s in your head that you can’t solve, so completely awkwawrd works!
- Step 5: This is the easiest of all steps. Believe and follow the last four steps and you will gain self-confidence, which in turn will make all the other tasks become more automatic and embedded in your normal personaTherlity.
- While these steps may seem rudimentary, they are the necessary foundation for you to build to be successful with women. Once you master these steps there are countless other things you can work on to get to the next level like perfecting pick-up lines, certain activities or hobbies that you can master to drive girls crazy